Turnout was amazing at this week’s bargaining session! We really stepped up to let the district know we are listening and paying close attention to every move they make. Here’s a run down of what was discussed if you weren’t able to make it:
Article 5: Employee Rights REA brought a counter to the district’s previous proposal and the district came back with a proposal to our counter. We are still working on refining language around the specifics of plans of awareness, which the district had initially tried to strike but is now agreeing to maintain. We are also still working on language in our newly added section Q around when the district should notify members of district-directed changes to instructional models/programming. REA is working to ensure members have a large enough time frame to prepare for changes that come down the pipeline so that we can be the best we can for our students. Article 7: Employee Work Year REA put forth our initial proposal on this article which includes 6 paid holidays added to the calendar, as well as the addition of one more mid-year planning day and four more educator prep days. REA proposed that counselors get four days before the school year starts to prepare for students if they choose. It also included language that new hires get four days to prep before starting work including for those not hired before school starts. REA included a definition of a “balance of the year employee” to mean only those who would work less than 135 days in the school year. This would help ensure that more members earn their step increase and probationary year 1 status even if they are hired after the start of the school year. The district did not bring a counter back to us at this session. Article: 19: Tuition Reimbursement The district brought a counter that removed the limitations on members at the furthest end of the pay scale so they could use 6 credits of tuition reimbursement rather than 2 credits, which they initially proposed. They added language including what credits can be used on, how travel would be reimbursed depending on location, and added a caveat that only one national conference can be attended per contract cycle and would be limited to just 2 credits worth of reimbursement. REA countered with minimal changes but asked that members attending national conferences be able to use all 6 credits worth of their tuition reimbursement if they choose as they should be able to use their 6 credits of tuition reimbursement as they see fit. Article 22: Employee Compensation RSD brought an initial proposal with a COLA increase of 3% next year, 2% the following year, and 1% the year after that. They made changes to summer work pay that, they stated, made things more clear, but REA will have to look into it further to be sure there are not wider implications. RSD removed the January 15th deadline to move over on the payscale so that members would only have the ability to move in September and April. Finally, RSD wants to put a “sunset” provision on early retirement, so that no one hired after July 1, 2024 will have access to the early retirement benefits currently in our contract. REA did not counter in this session. We have some research to do. Article 23: Fringe Benefits RSD presented their proposal without numbers, saying they were waiting on OEBB to share information regarding insurance.They are also proposing that RSD contribute just $100,000 to the insurance pool when the previous contribution was $350,000. Lastly, they are completely striking REA’s ability to use ¼ of our unused insurance allocation on supplemental insurance. REA did not counter this article this session. We can’t negotiate over an incomplete proposal. Article 26 A (SPED), B (ELD) & C (SEL and Wellness): All three of these proposals had few changes. All three of them included a new section on committee protocols which outlined the distribution of minutes and need-to-know information to members of the committee and admin. They shifted language that the committees would “collaboratively plan” to they would “make recommendations”. In Article A they struck the topic of “homelessness/social service needs” from discussion at these meetings, stating these are student services and don’t belong in this article. However, they did not add this into Article C where it might better fit. On top of that, all articles included the same language stating that REA would be responsible for all payroll costs associated with members participation in these committees. REA countered on only Article B, agreed to many of the changes but switched that the committee would “make recommendations” to the committee would “collaborate and make recommendations”. We also struck that REA would be responsible for payroll costs, as these committees all function solely because members volunteer their time to participate and there are no payroll costs associated with it. Your bargaining team has a day time meeting on May 2nd to discuss articles previously opened that need some language finessing in order to meet our demands. Nothing will be agreed to in that meeting and all changes will be presented at our next evening bargaining session on May 7th. A few members from the REA team will also be meeting with the district on May 8th to discuss the teacher mentor program being developed. You really put the pressure on at this last bargain REA! Let’s keep pushing for the changes we want and need in our contract. See you May 7th at 5pm in the RHS library! We had another great turnout at our 5th session on April 9th. Thanks so much to all those who came for the first time and to those who keep coming! Your support means everything to the team and the district needs the continual reminder that they are bargaining with all of REA! Below are the takeaways from this session:
Article 5: Employee Rights
REA will counter Article 5 and introduce our proposal for Article 7 (Employee Work Year). RSD will respond to Article 19 and present initial proposals for Articles 22 (Employee Compensation), 23 (Fringe Benefits), and 26 A, B & C (Student Services). Your continued support and participation are crucial as we navigate these important issues! We look forward to seeing you at the next session! |
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